41st General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (​AIPA-41)

by aipa2020   

The 41st General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-41) opened this morning under the theme of “Parliamentary Diplomacy for a Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN Community”.

Participants to the opening ceremony of the 41st General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly


Top Vietnamese legislator Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan will deliver an opening speech.

A wide range of activities are scheduled on the day, comprising the first plenary session, a meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA), and an unofficial meeting of young AIPA parliamentarians.

Together with ASEAN, AIPA has made significant contributions to regional connectivity and cooperation for mutual development of the ASEAN member states. In a bid to consolidate solidarity within the ASEAN bloc, AIPA and parliaments of member countries will work closely with governments of the ASEAN nations to seek measures to build the ASEAN Community, as well as promote the central role of ASEAN in maintaining regional peace and stability.

This will be the first time in history the AIPA General Assembly is held online amid the complicated developments of COVID-19, showing the Vietnamese NA’s activeness and flexibility as well as its contributions to reforming the operational mode of AIPA.

The hosting of AIPA-41and activities during the AIPA Chairmanship Year 2020 reflect the Vietnamese legislature’s active, responsible and practical contributions to the AIPA as well as make important contributions to strengthening solidarity and guiding the organization’s common efforts to assist ASEAN in building its Community, including performing key tasks of overcoming adverse impacts of the pandemic, maintaining economic development, and ensuring social welfare for all citizens.

According to the organizing committee, over 380 delegates will attend the AIPA-41 online via 43 locations./.


Nguồn: news.chinhphu.vn

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